Element Framework


  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
<ef-card style="margin: 10px" header="Vlad the vaccinator: Dracula&apos;s castle lures visitors with COVID-19 jabs" footer="Source: Reuters">
  <img style="width: 100%; height:auto;" src="https://cloudfront-us-east-2.images.arcpublishing.com/reuters/FCGFMWQNF5MAZHNHQFVP5LUV3M.jpg">
  <div style="padding: 10px 0">Visitors to Dracula&apos;s castle are more likely to find puncture marks in their arms than their necks this month, after medics set up a COVID-19 vaccination centre at the Transylvanian attraction.</div>



ef-card is a versatile container that can display content inside the card frame.

Basic usage

You can wrap any content with ef-card.

Header and footer can be set by using slotted content or by using header and footer attributes.

  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
<ef-card style="margin: 10px;" header="NASA spacecraft starts trip back to Earth after collecting asteroid samples" footer="Source: Reuters">
  <p>A NASA spacecraft, which scientists believe has collected samples from an asteroid, began its two-year journey back to Earth on Monday.</p>
  <p>NASA OSIRIS-REx spacecraft is attempting to complete a mission to visit Bennu, a skyscraper-sized asteroid some 200 million miles (320 million km) from Earth, survey the surface, collect samples and deliver them back to Earth.</p>


    <span slot="header">NASA spacecraft starts trip back to Earth after collecting asteroid samples</span>
    <span slot="footer">Source: Reuters</span>
    <p>A NASA spacecraft, which scientists believe has collected samples from an asteroid, began its two-year journey back to Earth on Monday.</p>
    <p>NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft is attempting to complete a mission to visit Bennu, a skyscraper-sized asteroid some 200 million miles (320 million km) from Earth, survey the surface, collect samples and deliver them back to Earth.</p>
    header="NASA spacecraft starts trip back to Earth after collecting asteroid samples"
    footer="Source: Reuters" >
        <p>A NASA spacecraft, which scientists believe has collected samples from an asteroid, began its two-year journey back to Earth on Monday.</p>
        <p>NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft is attempting to complete a mission to visit Bennu, a skyscraper-sized asteroid some 200 million miles (320 million km) from Earth, survey the surface, collect samples and deliver them back to Earth.</p>

Card Menu

ef-card can show a menu by passing the data through the property using the config property. The schema of data is the same as (Overlay Menu)

Use the item-trigger event to detect when users click on any menu item.

  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
<ef-card style="margin: 10px;" id="card" header="Chart">
  <ef-interactive-chart id="chart"></ef-interactive-chart>
var card = document.getElementById('card');
var chart = document.getElementById('chart');
card.config = {
  menu: {
    data: [
      { label: 'Price', value: 'price' },
      { label: 'Percentage', value: 'percent' }

chart.config = {
  options: {
    priceScale: {
      mode: 1
  series: [{
      symbol: 'Tesla',
      type: "area",
      data: [
        { time: "2021-12-22", value: 32.51 },
        { time: "2021-12-23", value: 31.11 },
        { time: "2021-12-24", value: 27.02 },
        { time: "2021-12-25", value: 27.32 },
        { time: "2021-12-26", value: 25.17 },
        { time: "2021-12-27", value: 28.89 },
        { time: "2021-12-28", value: 25.46 },
        { time: "2021-12-29", value: 23.92 },
        { time: "2021-12-30", value: 22.68 },
        { time: "2021-12-31", value: 22.67 }
      symbol: 'TSLA Futures',
      type: "line",
      data: [
        { time: "2021-12-22", value: 22.51 },
        { time: "2021-12-23", value: 11.11 },
        { time: "2021-12-24", value: 37.02 },
        { time: "2021-12-25", value: 17.32 },
        { time: "2021-12-26", value: 5.17 },
        { time: "2021-12-27", value: 18.89 },
        { time: "2021-12-28", value: 15.46 },
        { time: "2021-12-29", value: 13.92 },
        { time: "2021-12-30", value: 32.68 },
        { time: "2021-12-31", value: 12.67 }

card.addEventListener('item-trigger', function(event) {
  var value = event.detail.value;
  var newConfig = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(chart.config));
  newConfig.options.priceScale.mode = value === 'percent' ? 2 : 1;
  chart.config = newConfig;

<ef-card id="card" header="Chart">
    <ef-interactive-chart id="chart"></ef-interactive-chart>
var card = document.getElementById('card');
var chart = document.getElementById('chart');
card.config = {
    menu: {
        data: [
            { label: 'Price', value: 'price' },
            { label: 'Percentage',value: 'percent' }

chart.config =

card.addEventListener('item-trigger', function (event) {
    var value = event.detail.value;
    var newConfig = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(chart.config));
    newConfig.options.priceScale.mode = value === 'percent' ? 2 : 1;
    chart.config = newConfig;


Adds slotted content into the header of the card.
Adds slotted content into the footer of the card.

API Reference


Set text on the header
Set text on the footer


Set text on the header
Set text on the footer
Set card configurations


Fired when card menu is selected.