Element Framework

Interactive Chart

  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
<ef-interactive-chart id="candle"></ef-interactive-chart>
var initVal = 20;
var maxVal = initVal * 2;
var generateData = function(total, start) {
  var startDate = start || new Date();
  var ret = [];
  total = total < 0 ? 10 : total;
  for (var i = 0; i < total; i++) {
    var volatility = (Math.random() * (4.5) - 2) / 100; // random % volatility
    var date = start || new Date(startDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() + 1));
    var openVal = initVal + initVal * volatility;
    var closeVal = openVal + (openVal * volatility * 1.5);
    var highVal = openVal > closeVal ? openVal + 0.1 : closeVal + 0.5;
    var lowVal = openVal < closeVal ? openVal - 0.5 : closeVal - 0.2;
    initVal = closeVal > maxVal ? closeVal - (closeVal * 0.2) : closeVal;
    var point = {
      time: date.getTime() / 1000.0,
      open: parseFloat(openVal.toFixed(2)),
      high: parseFloat(highVal.toFixed(2)),
      low: parseFloat(lowVal.toFixed(2)),
      close: parseFloat(closeVal.toFixed(2))
  return ret;

var generateCurrent = function(prevDate) {
  var newPoint = generateData(1, prevDate);
  return newPoint[0] || {};

const chart = document.getElementById('candle');
chart.config = {
  series: [{
    type: 'candlestick',
    data: generateData(100)

setInterval(function() {
  var lastIndex = chart.config.series[0].data.length - 1;
  var time = chart.config.series[0].data[lastIndex].time;
  var latestTime = time || null;
  latestTime += 86400; // Update time Next day
  var prevDate = new Date(latestTime * 1000);
  var current = generateCurrent(prevDate);
}, 1000);
ef-interactive-chart {
  width: 100%;
  height: 300px;

Interactive Chart is a lightweight chart component that allows you to create different use cases for financial chart. The component uses the lightweight-charts library. You can see a demo of different chart types and the APIs of the lightweight chart library via this documentation.

While you can use interactive chart to draw several chart types, such as line, bar and candlestick, the chart doesn't support adding trendlines or technical analyses.

Create chart

You can create a chart by passing the configuration and initial dataset using the config property. Interactive chart supports the following chart types. The value must be a number.

Type Description
line Line chart
area Line chart with filled area
bar OHLC bar chart
candlestick Candlestick chart
volume Volume chart
<ef-interactive-chart id="line"></ef-interactive-chart>
const chart = document.getElementById("line");
chart.config = {
  series: [
      type: "line",
      data: [
        { time: "2018-12-22", value: 32.51 },
        { time: "2018-12-23", value: 31.11 },
        { time: "2018-12-24", value: 27.02 },
        { time: "2018-12-25", value: 27.32 },
        { time: "2018-12-26", value: 25.17 },
        { time: "2018-12-27", value: 28.89 },
        { time: "2018-12-28", value: 25.46 },
        { time: "2018-12-29", value: 23.92 },
        { time: "2018-12-30", value: 22.68 },
        { time: "2018-12-31", value: 22.67 }

Bar and candlestick charts need a different dataset.

chart.config = {
  series: [
      type: "bar",
      data: [
          time: "2018-12-19",
          open: 141.77,
          high: 170.39,
          low: 120.25,
          close: 145.72
          time: "2018-12-20",
          open: 145.72,
          high: 147.99,
          low: 100.11,
          close: 108.19
          time: "2018-12-21",
          open: 108.19,
          high: 118.43,
          low: 74.22,
          close: 75.16
          time: "2018-12-22",
          open: 75.16,
          high: 82.84,
          low: 36.16,
          close: 45.72

Intraday charts

Interactive chart supports intraday chart using a UNIX timestamp instead of a date string, as mentioned in the Lightweight Documentation.

Also, be sure to enable timeVisible in the configuration. secondVisible is optional.

  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
<ef-interactive-chart id="price"></ef-interactive-chart>
const chart = document.getElementById('price');
chart.config = {
  options: {
    timeScale: {
      timeVisible: true,
      secondsVisible: true
  series: [{
    symbol: 'Price',
    type: 'area',
    data: [
      { time: Date.parse('2019-04-10T08:40:10') / 1000, value: 82.90 },
      { time: Date.parse('2019-04-10T09:13:11') / 1000, value: 83.89 },
      { time: Date.parse('2019-04-10T10:21:25') / 1000, value: 81.81 },
      { time: Date.parse('2019-04-10T11:43:13') / 1000, value: 85.39 },
      { time: Date.parse('2019-04-11T12:24:20') / 1000, value: 81.42 },
      { time: Date.parse('2019-04-11T13:52:15') / 1000, value: 83.71 },
      { time: Date.parse('2019-04-11T14:11:45') / 1000, value: 80.11 },
      { time: Date.parse('2019-04-11T15:10:12') / 1000, value: 83.16 },
      { time: Date.parse('2019-04-11T16:05:11') / 1000, value: 80.78 },

chart.config = {
  options: {
    timeScale: {
      timeVisible: true,
      secondsVisible: true
  series: [{
    symbol: 'Price',
    type: 'area',
    data: [
      { time: Date.parse('2019-04-10T08:40:10') / 1000, value: 82.90 },
      { time: Date.parse('2019-04-10T09:13:11') / 1000, value: 83.89 },
      { time: Date.parse('2019-04-10T10:21:25') / 1000, value: 81.81 },
      { time: Date.parse('2019-04-10T11:43:13') / 1000, value: 85.39 },
      { time: Date.parse('2019-04-11T12:24:20') / 1000, value: 81.42 },
      { time: Date.parse('2019-04-11T13:52:15') / 1000, value: 83.71 },
      { time: Date.parse('2019-04-11T14:11:45') / 1000, value: 80.11 },
      { time: Date.parse('2019-04-11T15:10:12') / 1000, value: 83.16 },
      { time: Date.parse('2019-04-11T16:05:11') / 1000, value: 80.78 },    

Multiple charts

Chart can display multiple series by passing an array to config.series. For example, a rebasing chart can be created as poer below.

  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
<ef-interactive-chart id="multi"></ef-interactive-chart>
var generateData = function(total, start, init) {
  var initVal = init || 20;
  var startDate = start || new Date();
  var ret = [];
  total = total < 0 ? 10 : total;
  for (var i = 0; i < total; i++) {
    var volatility = (Math.random() * (4.5) - 2) / 100; // random % volatility
    var date = start || new Date(startDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() + 1));
    var val = initVal + initVal * volatility;
    initVal = val;
    var point = {
      time: date.getTime() / 1000.0,
      value: parseFloat(val.toFixed(2))
  return ret;

const chart = document.getElementById('multi');
chart.config = {
  options: {
    priceScale: {
      mode: 2
  series: [{
      symbol: 'GOOGL.O',
      type: 'area',
      data: generateData(100)
      symbol: 'AMZN.OQ',
      type: 'line',
      data: generateData(100)
      symbol: 'EBAY.OQ',
      type: 'line',
      data: generateData(100)
      symbol: 'NFLX.OQ',
      type: 'line',
      data: generateData(100)
      symbol: 'BIDU.OQ',
      type: 'line',
      data: generateData(100)
      symbol: 'CRTO.OQ',
      type: 'line',
      data: generateData(100)
      symbol: 'BABA.N',
      type: 'line',
      data: generateData(100)
ef-interactive-chart {
  width: 100%;
  height: 300px;
chart.config = {
  options: {
    priceScale: {
      mode: 2
  series: [
      symbol: 'GOOGL.O',
      type: 'area',
      data: [
        { time: '2019-04-11', value: 180.01 },
        { time: '2019-04-12', value: 156.63 },
        { time: '2019-04-13', value: 166.64 },
        { time: '2019-04-14', value: 181.89 },
      symbol: 'AMZN.OQ',
      type: 'line',
      data: [
        { time: '2019-04-11', value: 20.31 },
        { time: '2019-04-12', value: 30.27 },
        { time: '2019-04-13', value: 70.28 },
        { time: '2019-04-14', value: 49.29 },

Volume chart

To create a chart with volume, add a volume series and set seriesOptions as follows.

  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
<ef-interactive-chart id="volume"></ef-interactive-chart>
var generateData = function(total, start, init) {
  var initVal = init || 20;
  var startDate = start || new Date();
  var ret = [];
  total = total < 0 ? 10 : total;
  for (var i = 0; i < total; i++) {
    var volatility = (Math.random() * (20) - 6) / 100; // random % volatility
    var date = start || new Date(startDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() + 1));
    var val = initVal + initVal * volatility;
    initVal = val;
    var point = {
      time: date.getTime() / 1000.0,
      value: parseFloat(val.toFixed(2))
  return ret;

const chart = document.getElementById('volume');
chart.config = {
  series: [{
      symbol: 'Price',
      type: 'area',
      data: generateData(70)
      symbol: 'Vol',
      type: 'volume',
      seriesOptions: {
        overlay: true,
        priceFormat: {
          type: 'volume'
        scaleMargins: {
          top: 0.8,
          bottom: 0
        lineWidth: 3,
      data: generateData(70, null, 2000000)
ef-interactive-chart {
  width: 100%;
  height: 300px;
chart.config = {
  series: [
      type: 'area',
      data: [
        { time: '2019-04-11', value: 180.01 },
        { time: '2019-04-12', value: 156.63 },
        { time: '2019-04-13', value: 166.64 },
        { time: '2019-04-14', value: 181.89 },
      type: 'volume',
      seriesOptions : {
        overlay: true,
        priceFormat: {
          type: 'volume'
        scaleMargins: {
          top: 0.8,
          bottom: 0
        lineWidth: 3,
      data: [
        { time: '2019-04-11', value: 204000 },
        { time: '2019-04-12', value: 303000 },
        { time: '2019-04-13', value: 705000 },
        { time: '2019-04-14', value: 498700 },

Seasonality chart

A Seasonality chart can be created using multiple series with the same timespan. You can use the APIs to customize the displayed legend, X-Axis label and cross hair vertical label.

  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
<ef-interactive-chart id="seasonality"></ef-interactive-chart>
const monthCount = {};
const months = {
  1: "January",
  2: "February",
  3: "March",
  4: "April",
  5: "May",
  6: "June",
  7: "July",
  8: "August",
  9: "September",
  10: "October",
  11: "November",
  12: "December"
const chart = document.getElementById('seasonality');
chart.config = {
  lastValueVisible: false,
  options: {
    timeScale: {
      tickMarkFormatter: function(time, tickMarkType, locale) {
        if (!monthCount[time.month]) {
          monthCount[time.month] = 1;
          return months[time.month];
        return "";
    localization: {
      timeFormatter: function(date) {
        return date.day + ' ' + months[date.month];
  series: [{
      symbol: '2011-2020',
      symbolName: 'Avg. 2011-2020',
      lastValueVisible: false,
      type: 'line',
      data: [
        { time: '2020-01-11', value: 20.31 },
        { time: '2020-02-12', value: 30.27 },
        { time: '2020-03-13', value: 70.28 },
        { time: '2020-04-11', value: 20.31 },
        { time: '2020-05-12', value: 30.27 },
        { time: '2020-06-13', value: 70.28 },
        { time: '2020-07-11', value: 49.29 },
        { time: '2020-08-12', value: 20.31 },
        { time: '2020-09-13', value: 30.27 },
        { time: '2020-10-11', value: 70.28 },
        { time: '2020-11-12', value: 49.29 },
        { time: '2020-12-13', value: 70.28 },
      symbol: '2021',
      symbolName: '2021',
      type: 'area',
      data: [
        { time: '2020-01-11', value: 45.01 },
        { time: '2020-02-12', value: 60.63 },
        { time: '2020-03-13', value: 166.64 },
        { time: '2020-04-11', value: 180.01 },
        { time: '2020-05-12', value: 156.63 },
        { time: '2020-06-13', value: 166.64 },
        { time: '2020-07-11', value: 181.89 }
ef-interactive-chart {
  width: 100%;
  height: 300px;
const monthCount = {};
const months = {
    1: "January",
    2: "February",
    3: "March",
    4: "April",
    5: "May",
    6: "June",
    7: "July",
    8: "August",
    9: "September",
    10: "October",
    11: "November",
    12: "December"
const chart = document.getElementById('seasonality');
chart.config = {
  lastValueVisible: false,
  options: {
    timeScale: {
      tickMarkFormatter: function (time, tickMarkType, locale) {
        if(!monthCount[time.month]) {
          monthCount[time.month] = 1;
          return months[time.month];
        return "";
    localization: {
      timeFormatter: function (date) {
        return date.day + ' ' + months[date.month];
  series: [
      symbol: '2011-2020',
      symbolName: 'Avg. 2011-2020',
      lastValueVisible: false,
      type: 'line',
      data: [
        { time: '2020-01-11', value: 20.31 },
        { time: '2020-02-12', value: 30.27 },
        { time: '2020-03-13', value: 70.28 },
        { time: '2020-04-11', value: 20.31 },
        { time: '2020-05-12', value: 30.27 },
        { time: '2020-06-13', value: 70.28 },
        { time: '2020-07-11', value: 49.29 },
        { time: '2020-08-12', value: 20.31 },
        { time: '2020-09-13', value: 30.27 },
        { time: '2020-10-11', value: 70.28 },
        { time: '2020-11-12', value: 49.29 },
        { time: '2020-12-13', value: 70.28 },
      symbol: '2021',
      symbolName: '2021',
      type: 'area',
      data: [
        { time: '2020-01-11', value: 45.01 },
        { time: '2020-02-12', value: 60.63 },
        { time: '2020-03-13', value: 166.64 },
        { time: '2020-04-11', value: 180.01 },
        { time: '2020-05-12', value: 156.63 },
        { time: '2020-06-13', value: 166.64 },
        { time: '2020-07-11', value: 181.89 }

Setting chart options

You can customize chart options either at the chart level or series level.

To customize options at the chart level, pass the option to config.options. Learn more about chart options from the Lightweight Chart Customization.

For example, in the lightweight-charts documents, you can learn to pass options to the chart in order to customize the crosshair.

  crosshair: {
    vertLine: {
      color: "#4d4d4d",
      width: 0.5,
      style: 1,
      visible: true,
      labelVisible: false,
    horzLine: {
      color: "#4d4d4d",
      width: 1.5,
      style: 0,
      visible: true,
      labelVisible: true,
    mode: 1,

In ef-interactive-chart, you will need to pass those options to config.options.

chart.config = {
  options: {
    crosshair: {
      vertLine: {
        color: "#4d4d4d",
        width: 0.5,
        style: 1,
        visible: true,
        labelVisible: false,
      horzLine: {
        color: "#4d4d4d",
        width: 1.5,
        style: 0,
        visible: true,
        labelVisible: true,
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
<ef-interactive-chart id="price"></ef-interactive-chart>
const chart = document.getElementById('price');
chart.config = {
  series: [{
    symbol: 'Price',
    type: 'area',
    data: [
      { time: '2019-04-11', value: 180.01 },
      { time: '2019-04-12', value: 156.63 },
      { time: '2019-04-13', value: 166.64 },
      { time: '2019-04-14', value: 181.89 },
      { time: '2019-04-15', value: 174.43 },
      { time: '2019-04-16', value: 180.01 },
      { time: '2019-04-17', value: 196.63 },
      { time: '2019-04-18', value: 176.64 },
      { time: '2019-04-20', value: 181.89 },
      { time: '2019-04-21', value: 190.01 },
      { time: '2019-04-22', value: 196.63 },
      { time: '2019-04-23', value: 178.64 },
      { time: '2019-04-24', value: 141.89 },
      { time: '2019-04-25', value: 154.43 },
      { time: '2019-04-26', value: 170.01 },
      { time: '2019-04-27', value: 196.63 },
      { time: '2019-04-28', value: 176.64 },
      { time: '2019-04-29', value: 181.89 }
  options: {
    crosshair: {
      vertLine: {
        color: '#4d4d4d',
        width: 0.5,
        style: 1,
        visible: true,
        labelVisible: false,
      horzLine: {
        color: '#4d4d4d',
        width: 1.5,
        style: 0,
        visible: true,
        labelVisible: true,
ef-interactive-chart {
  width: 100%;
  height: 300px;

To customize options at the series level, pass the options to each series using seriesOptions. Learn more about chart options from Lightweight Chart Series Basic.

For example, in lightweight-chart, you can pass options to set preferred decimal places on the y-axis.

  priceFormat: {
      precision: 3,

In ef-interactive-chart, you pass options to seriesOptions in the series.

chart.config = {
  options: { ... },
  series: [
    symbol: 'Price',
    type: 'area',
      seriesOptions: {
        priceFormat: {
            precision: 3
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
<ef-interactive-chart id="price"></ef-interactive-chart>
const chart = document.getElementById('price');
chart.config = {
  series: [{
    symbol: 'Price',
    type: 'area',
    data: [
      { time: '2019-04-11', value: 180.01 },
      { time: '2019-04-12', value: 156.63 },
      { time: '2019-04-13', value: 166.64 },
      { time: '2019-04-14', value: 181.89 },
      { time: '2019-04-15', value: 174.43 },
      { time: '2019-04-16', value: 180.01 },
      { time: '2019-04-17', value: 196.63 },
      { time: '2019-04-18', value: 176.64 },
      { time: '2019-04-20', value: 181.89 },
      { time: '2019-04-21', value: 190.01 },
      { time: '2019-04-22', value: 196.63 },
      { time: '2019-04-23', value: 178.64 },
      { time: '2019-04-24', value: 141.89 },
      { time: '2019-04-25', value: 154.43 },
      { time: '2019-04-26', value: 170.01 },
      { time: '2019-04-27', value: 196.63 },
      { time: '2019-04-28', value: 176.64 },
      { time: '2019-04-29', value: 181.89 }
    seriesOptions: {
      priceFormat: {
        precision: 3
ef-interactive-chart {
  width: 100%;
  height: 300px;

Y-Axis placement

By default, chart will not display a left-side y-axis and all series will show on the right y-axis of the chart. However, lightweight-chart also provides the option to configure placement of a series to the left, right or both.

Customizing chart to show data on the left y-axis.

chart.config = {
  options: {
    rightPriceScale: {
      visible: false
    leftPriceScale: {
      visible: true
  series: [{
    symbol: 'Price',
    type: 'area',
    seriesOptions: {
      priceScaleId: 'left'
    data: [...]
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
<ef-interactive-chart id="price"></ef-interactive-chart>
const chart = document.getElementById('price');
chart.config = {
  options: {
    rightPriceScale: {
      visible: false
    leftPriceScale: {
      visible: true
  series: [{
    symbol: 'Price',
    type: 'area',
    seriesOptions: {
      priceScaleId: 'left'
    data: [
      { time: '2019-04-11', value: 180.01 },
      { time: '2019-04-12', value: 156.63 },
      { time: '2019-04-13', value: 166.64 },
      { time: '2019-04-14', value: 181.89 },
      { time: '2019-04-15', value: 174.43 },
      { time: '2019-04-16', value: 180.01 },
      { time: '2019-04-17', value: 196.63 },
      { time: '2019-04-18', value: 176.64 },
      { time: '2019-04-20', value: 181.89 },
      { time: '2019-04-21', value: 190.01 },
      { time: '2019-04-22', value: 196.63 },
      { time: '2019-04-23', value: 178.64 },
      { time: '2019-04-24', value: 141.89 },
      { time: '2019-04-25', value: 154.43 },
      { time: '2019-04-26', value: 170.01 },
      { time: '2019-04-27', value: 196.63 },
      { time: '2019-04-28', value: 176.64 },
      { time: '2019-04-29', value: 181.89 }
ef-interactive-chart {
  width: 100%;
  height: 300px;

Customizing chart to show data on the left and right sides of the y-axis.

chart.config = {
  options: {
    rightPriceScale: {
      visible: true
    leftPriceScale: {
      visible: true
  series: [{
    symbol: 'IBM.N',
    type: 'area',
    seriesOptions: {
      priceScaleId: 'right'
    data: [...]
    symbol: 'GOOG.O',
    type: 'area',
    seriesOptions: {
      priceScaleId: 'left'
    data: [...]
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
<ef-interactive-chart id="price"></ef-interactive-chart>
const chart = document.getElementById('price');
chart.config = {
  options: {
    rightPriceScale: {
      visible: true
    leftPriceScale: {
      visible: true
  series: [{
      symbol: 'IBM.N',
      type: 'area',
      seriesOptions: {
        priceScaleId: 'right'
      data: [
        { time: '2019-04-11', value: 280.01 },
        { time: '2019-04-12', value: 186.63 },
        { time: '2019-04-13', value: 366.64 },
        { time: '2019-04-14', value: 381.89 },
        { time: '2019-04-15', value: 374.43 },
        { time: '2019-04-16', value: 240.01 },
        { time: '2019-04-17', value: 276.63 },
        { time: '2019-04-18', value: 286.64 },
        { time: '2019-04-20', value: 301.89 },
        { time: '2019-04-21', value: 290.01 },
        { time: '2019-04-22', value: 296.63 },
        { time: '2019-04-23', value: 278.64 },
        { time: '2019-04-24', value: 341.89 },
        { time: '2019-04-25', value: 354.43 },
        { time: '2019-04-26', value: 370.01 },
        { time: '2019-04-27', value: 296.63 },
        { time: '2019-04-28', value: 276.64 },
        { time: '2019-04-29', value: 181.89 }
      symbol: 'GOOG.O',
      type: 'area',
      seriesOptions: {
        priceScaleId: 'left'
      data: [
        { time: '2019-04-11', value: 180.01 },
        { time: '2019-04-12', value: 156.63 },
        { time: '2019-04-13', value: 166.64 },
        { time: '2019-04-14', value: 181.89 },
        { time: '2019-04-15', value: 174.43 },
        { time: '2019-04-16', value: 180.01 },
        { time: '2019-04-17', value: 196.63 },
        { time: '2019-04-18', value: 176.64 },
        { time: '2019-04-20', value: 181.89 },
        { time: '2019-04-21', value: 190.01 },
        { time: '2019-04-22', value: 196.63 },
        { time: '2019-04-23', value: 178.64 },
        { time: '2019-04-24', value: 141.89 },
        { time: '2019-04-25', value: 154.43 },
        { time: '2019-04-26', value: 170.01 },
        { time: '2019-04-27', value: 196.63 },
        { time: '2019-04-28', value: 176.64 },
        { time: '2019-04-29', value: 181.89 }
ef-interactive-chart {
  width: 100%;
  height: 300px;

Chart legend

The interactive chart provides a default standard legend which displays price and symbol, if available.

In case you want to preserve the value of symbol and show a custom name on the legend, use symbolName alongside symbol. The chart will use symbolName in the legend, instead.

line.config = {
  series: [
      symbol: 'APPL.O',
      symbolName: 'Price',
      type: 'line',
      data: [...]

By default, chart will display a raw value that passes from the data object in the legend. If you want to override the default formatting of the price, you can set your own formatter function to legendPriceFormatter in a series configuration object to override price format on the legend.

For example, here's how you can format price to show three decimal places on the legend.

chart.config = {
  series: [
      symbol: 'AAPL',
      legendPriceFormatter: function (price) { return '$' + price.toFixed(3); },
      type: 'area',
      data: [...],
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
<ef-interactive-chart id="legend_formatter"></ef-interactive-chart>
const chart = document.getElementById('legend_formatter');
chart.config = {
  series: [{
    legendPriceFormatter: function(price) { return '$' + price.toFixed(3); },
    type: 'area',
    data: [
      { time: '2018-12-22', value: 32.51 },
      { time: '2018-12-23', value: 31.11 },
      { time: '2018-12-24', value: 27.02 },
      { time: '2018-12-25', value: 27.32 },
      { time: '2018-12-26', value: 25.17 },
      { time: '2018-12-27', value: 28.89 },
      { time: '2018-12-28', value: 25.46 },
      { time: '2018-12-29', value: 23.92 },
      { time: '2018-12-30', value: 22.68 },
      { time: '2018-12-31', value: 22.67 }
    seriesOptions: {
      priceFormat: {
        type: 'custom',
        formatter: function(price) { return '$' + price.toFixed(3); }


Custom legend

You can implement your own legend using the legend slot.

<ef-interactive-chart id="line" legend>
  <div slot="legend" id="chart-legend"></div>
const el = document.getElementById('line');
const legend = document.getElementById('chart-legend');

el.addEventListener('initialized', (e) => {
  const chart = e.target.chart; // lightweight chart instance
  const seriesList = e.target.seriesList;
  const data = e.target.config.series[0].data;

  chart.subscribeCrosshairMove((param) => {
    const price = param.seriesPrices.get(seriesList[0]); // get price at crosshair
    if (price) {
      legend.textContent = price; // set price to legend
      // more legend customization goes here
  // set legend to show latest data when no crosshair
  legend.textContent = data[data.length - 1].value;

Custom legend can also be used to implement a custom tooltip.

  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
<ef-interactive-chart id="line">
  <div slot="legend" id="custom-legend">
const chartEl = document.getElementById('line');
chartEl.config = {
  series: [{
    symbol: 'AAPL',
    type: 'area',
    data: [
      { time: '2018-12-22', value: 32.51 },
      { time: '2018-12-23', value: 31.11 },
      { time: '2018-12-24', value: 27.02 },
      { time: '2018-12-25', value: 27.32 },
      { time: '2018-12-26', value: 25.17 },
      { time: '2018-12-27', value: 28.89 },
      { time: '2018-12-28', value: 25.46 },
      { time: '2018-12-29', value: 23.92 },
      { time: '2018-12-30', value: 22.68 },
      { time: '2018-12-31', value: 22.67 }
chartEl.addEventListener('initialized', function(event) {
  const chart = event.target.chart;
  const seriesList = event.target.seriesList;
  var legend = document.getElementById('custom-legend');
  chart.subscribeCrosshairMove(function(param) {
    if (param.point === undefined || !param.time || param.point.x < 0 || param.point.x > event.target.clientWidth || param.point.y < 0 || param.point.y > event.target.clientHeight) {
      legend.style.display = 'none';
    } else {
      const legendWidth = 60;
      const legendHeight = 30;
      const legendMargin = 10;
      var y = param.point.y;
      var left = param.point.x + legendMargin;
      var top = y + legendMargin;

      if (left > event.target.clientWidth - legendWidth) {
        left = param.point.x - legendMargin - legendWidth;

      if (top > event.target.clientHeight - legendHeight) {
        top = y - legendHeight - legendMargin;

      legend.style.zIndex = 1000;
      legend.style.left = left + 'px';
      legend.style.top = top + 'px';
      legend.style.display = 'flex';
      legend.style.alignItems = 'center';
      legend.style.justifyContent = 'center';
      legend.style.position = 'absolute';
      legend.style.width = legendWidth + 'px';
      legend.style.height = legendHeight + 'px';
      legend.style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)';
      legend.style.border = 'solid 1px rgb(0,0,0)';
      legend.style.color = 'rgb(0,0,0)';
      legend.textContent = param.seriesPrices.get(seriesList[0]);


Lightweight Charts instance

An instance of lightweight chart can be accessed using the chart and seriesList properties.

  const el = document.getElementById("line");
  console.log('instance chart', el.chart); // instance of lightweight chart
  console.log('instance series', el.seriesList); // array of series instances


Slot to use for implementing custom legend.

API Reference


Chart configurations for init chart
Hide legend
Hide jump to latest data button
"vertical" | "horizontal"
Set legend style i.e. `horizontal`, `vertical`. Default is `vertical`.


Chart configurations for init chart
Hide legend
Hide jump to latest data button
"vertical" | "horizontal"
Set legend style i.e. `horizontal`, `vertical`. Default is `vertical`.
Array of series instances in chart


List of available chart colors from the theme.


Dispatched when chart is initialized